Alaska |
Total Vote |
Turnout '90-'86 |
Registered |
Voting |
1998 |
453,332 |
227,156 |
50.1081% |
2002 |
460,855 |
232,852 |
50.5261% |
(7,523) |
(5,696) |
-0.4180% |
Alaska Gov. 98 |
Lindauer (R) |
Knowles (D) |
Sullivan (AI) |
Metcalfe (Mod) |
Jacobsson (Grn) |
Write In Votes |
Total vote |
Governor 98 |
39,331 |
112,879 |
4,238 |
13,540 |
6,618 |
43,571 |
227,156 |
220,177 |
(6,979) |
-0.03072338 |
17.8634% |
51.2674% |
1.9248% |
6.1496% |
3.0058% |
19.7891% |
Ind. total |
67,967 |
Alaska Gov.
02 |
Murkowski - R |
Ulmer (D) |
Wright (AI) |
Vizant (Mod) |
Benson (Grn) |
Toien (Lib) |
Write-in votes |
Governor 02 |
(11,307) |
-0.048845709 |
129,279 |
94,216 |
2,185 |
1,506 |
2,926 |
1,109 |
263 |
232,852 |
231,484 |
(1,368) |
55.8479% |
40.7009% |
0.9439% |
0.6506% |
1.2640% |
0.4791% |
0.1136% |
Ind. total |
7,989 |
Difference |
(89,948) |
18,663 |
2,053 |
12,034 |
3,692 |
42,462 |
(263) |
Alska Senate 98 |
Murkowski (R) |
Sonneman (D) |
Kohlhass (Lib) |
Gottlieb (Grn) |
Write-in votes |
Senate 98 |
165,227 |
43,743 |
5,046 |
7,126 |
665 |
0 |
221,807 |
(7,161) |
74.4913% |
19.7212% |
2.2750% |
3.2127% |
0.2998% |
0.0000% |
Ind. total |
12,837 |
Senate 02 |
Ted Stevens - R |
Vondersaar (D) |
Karpinski - L |
Jim Sykes (Grn) |
Jim Dore (AI) |
Write-In Votes |
Senate 02 |
(7,741) |
179,438 |
24,133 |
2,354 |
16,608 |
6,724 |
291 |
232,852 |
229,548 |
(3,304) |
78.1701% |
10.5133% |
1.0255% |
7.2351% |
2.9292% |
0.1268% |
Ind. total |
25977 |
Difference |
(14,211) |
19,610 |
2,692 |
(9,482) |
(6,059) |
(291) |
Alska House 98 |
Young (R) |
Jim Duncan (D) |
John Grames (G) |
Write In Votes |
House 98 |
139,676 |
77,232 |
5,923 |
469 |
223,300 |
(7,161) |
62.5508% |
34.5867% |
2.6525% |
0.2100% |
Ind. total |
6,392 |
Alska House 02 |
Young (R) |
Greene (D) |
deForest (G) |
Rob Clift (L) |
Write-in votes |
House 02 |
(4,425) |
169,685 |
39,357 |
14,435 |
3,797 |
451 |
0 |
0 |
232,852 |
227,725 |
(5,127) |
74.5131% |
17.2827% |
6.3388% |
1.6674% |
0.1980% |
0.0000% |
0.0000% |
Ind. total |
18,683 |
Difference |
(30,009) |
37,875 |
(8,512) |
(3,328) |
(451) |
(0) |
(0) |
Alaska Total |
House 1998 |
1998 |
139,676 |
77,232 |
5,923 |
469 |
House 2002 |
223,300 |
(4,425) |
2002 |
169,685 |
39,357 |
14,435 |
3,797 |
451 |
0 |
232,852 |
227,725 |
(30,009) |
37,875 |
(8,512) |
(3,328) |
(451) |
(0) |
0 |
House |
Republicans |
Democrats |
Unopposed Reps. |
Unopposed Dems. |
Total Unopposed |
1998 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2002 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Questions |
Yes |
No |
Alska Bond A |
State guaranteed Veterans
Housing Bonds $500,000,000 |
156,158 |
70.0279% |
66,836 |
222,994 |
0.14 |
Alska Bond B |
Transportation Bonds |
150,404 |
67.7544% |
71,580 |
221,984 |
0.29 |
Alska Bond C |
Education and Museum
Bonds |
133,348 |
59.6011% |
90,386 |
223,734 |
0.43 |
Alska Measure1 |
Constitutional Convention |
60,217 |
28.3592% |
152,120 |
212,337 |
0.57 |
Alska InitMeas2 |
Legislative Sessions to
Matanuska-Susitna Borough |
74,650 |
32.7733% |
153,127 |
227,777 |
0.71 |
Alska InitMeas3 |
Create a state Gas
Pipeline development authority |
138,353 |
62.0320% |
84,682 |
223,035 |
0.86 |
Alaska |
No. 1 issue in 1998,
marriage between man and woman only |
152,965 |
68.1067% |
71,631 |
224,596 |
Legislature |
Republicans |
Democrats |
Independents |
Unopposed Reps. |
Unopposed Dems. |
Total Unopposed |
Alska Senate98 |
6 |
4 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
40.0000% |
Alska Senate02 |
10 |
6 |
1 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
25.0000% |
-4 |
-2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
15.0000% |
Alska Reps. 98 |
25 |
15 |
7 |
8 |
15 |
37.5000% |
Alska Reps. 02 |
27 |
13 |
0 |
15 |
5 |
20 |
48.7805% |
-2 |
2 |
-8 |
3 |
-5 |
-11.2805% |
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