Arizona Total Vote Turnout '96-'92
Voters Registered Voters
1996 2,244,672 1,431,777 63.7856%
1992 1,964,949 1,516,276 77.1662%
Change 88-92 279,723 (84,499) -13.3806%
Az. Pres. 96 Dole (R) Clinton (D) Browne (Lib) Collins Perot (Ref) Hagelin (NL) Nader (Green) Phillips (Tax) Killeen Winn Voting 1996 President 96
622,073 653,288 14,358 36 112,072 153 2,062 347 11 5 1,431,777 1,404,405 (27,372)
44.2944% 46.5171% 1.0224% 0.0026% 7.9800% 0.0109% 0.1468% 0.0247% 0.0008% 0.0004% Ind. total 129,044
Az. Pres. 92 Bush (R) Clinton (D) Marrou (Lib) Fulani Perot Hagelin (NLP) Gritz (I) LaRouche (w-i) President 92 (82,570)
572,086 543,050 6,759 923 353,741 2,267 8,141 8 1,516,276 1,486,975 29,301
38.4731% 36.5205% 0.4545% 0.0621% 23.7893% 0.1525% 0.5475% 0.0005% Ind. total 371,839
Difference 49,987 110,238 7,599 (887) (241,669) (2,114) (6,079) 339
Ariz. Senate88 DeGreen (R) DeConcini (D) Tomkins (L) Finkelstein (N) Nebbia (SWP) Senate 88
478060.00 641402.00 20849.00 5195.00 32 1145538
0.42 0.56 0.02 0.00 2.7934472710639E-05 Ind. Total 26076
Ariz. Senate92 McCain (R) Sargent (D) DeLamare (L) Finkelstein (N) Mecham (I) Winn (w-i) Senate 92 -236513
771,395 436,321 22,613 6,335 145,361 26 1,382,051
55.8152% 31.5705% 1.6362% 0.4584% 10.5178% 0.0019% Ind. total 174,335
Difference -293335.00 205081.00 -1764.00 -1140.00 -145329.00 -26.00
Ariz. House1-96 Salmon (R) Cox (D) Race Total
135,634 89,738 225,372
60.1823% 39.8177%
Ariz. House1-92 Rhodes III (R) Coppersmith (D) Goldstein (NL) (29,417)
113,613 130,715 10,461 254,789
44.5910% 51.3032% 4.1058%
22,021 (40,977) (10,461)
Ariz. House2-96 Buster (R) Pastor (D) Bangle (LBT) Race Total
38,786 81,982 5,333 126,101
30.7579% 65.0130% 4.2291%
Ariz. House2-92 Shooter (R) Pastor (D) Detaranto (L) Brown (w-i) (11,277)
41,257 90,693 5,423 5 137,378
30.0317% 66.0171% 3.9475% 0.0036%
(2,471) (8,711) (90) (5)
Ariz. House3-96 Stump (R) Schneider (D) Race Total
175,231 88,214 0 263,445
66.5152% 33.4848% 0.0000%
Ariz. House3-92 Stump (R) Hartstone (D) Volponi (NL) 4,942
158,906 88,830 10,767 258,503
61.4716% 34.3632% 4.1651%
16,325 (616) (10,767)
Ariz. House4-96 Shadegg (R) Milton (D) Race Total
150,486 74,857 225,343
66.7809% 33.2191%
Ariz. House4-92 Kyl (R) Mybeck (D) McDermott (L) Collings (I) (38,723)
156,330 70,572 11,611 25,553 264,066
59.2011% 26.7251% 4.3970% 9.6767%
(5,844) 4,285 (11,611) (25,553)
Ariz House5-96 Kolbe (R) Nelson (D) Finkelstein (RPa) Zajac (LBT) Race Total
179,349 67,597 6,630 7,322 260,898
68.7430% 25.9094% 2.5412% 2.8065%
Ariz. House5-92 Kolbe (R) Toevs (D) Willis (L) 1,085
172,867 77,256 9,690 259,813
66.5352% 29.7352% 3.7296%
6,482 (9,659) (3,060)
Ariz House5-96 Hayworth (R) Owens (D) Anderson (LBT) Race Total
121,431 118,957 14,899 0 255,287
47.5665% 46.5974% 5.8362% 0.0000%
Ariz. House6-92 Wead (R) English (D) Stannard (I) 20,915
97,074 124,251 13,047 234,372
41.4188% 53.0144% 5.5668%
24,357 (5,294) 1,852
Total Arizona
1996 800,917 521,345 26,862 7,322 0
1992 740,047 582,317 60,999 25,558 0 House 92 House 96
60,870 (60,972) (34,137) (18,236) 1,408,921 1,356,446 (52,475)
Arizona House Republicans Democrats Unopposed Reps. Unopposed Dems. Total Unopposed
1996 5 1 0 0 0 0
1992 3 3 0 0 0 0
2 -2 0 0 0 0
Az. Mine Insp88 Martin (R) Romero (d) Mine Inspector
606,300 439,630 1,045,930
57.9676% 42.0324%
Az. Mine Insp92 Martin (R) No Democrat Kuck (L) Mine Inspector (120,718)
892,705 0 273,943 1,166,648
76.5188% 0.0000% 23.4812% Ind. total 273,943
Difference (286,405) 439,630 (273,943)
Az. CorpCom88 Morgan (R) Lehman (D) Fowlkes Corp. Comm. 88
541146.00 469840.00 37119.00 1,048,105
0.52 0.45 0.04
Az. CorpCom92 Freestone (R) Jennings (D) Vines (L) Corp. Comm. 92 (243,839)
595,111 613,447 83,386 1,291,944
46.0632% 47.4825% 6.4543% Ind. total 83,386
Difference (53,965) (143,607) (46,267)
Race Total
Questions Yes No
Az. Prop. 201, Require Governor to enter into gaming contracts with eligible indians. 858,903 63.9323% 484,554 1,343,457 0.14
Az. Prop. 102, Adult prosecution at 15 for murder, limit court power. 844,922 62.9767% 496,720 1,341,642 0.29
Az. Prop. 300, Raise State legislative salaries from $15K to $25K. 650,241 48.6999% 684,958 1,335,199 0.43
Az. Prop. 200, 100% prison time for violent drug offenders and let pot smokers out of jail. ail. 872,235 65.4062% 461,332 1,333,567 0.57
Az. Prop. 203, Set aside $17 million from lottery for health programs for working poor. 940,588 72.0130% 365,548 1,306,136 0.71
Az. Prop. 101, Person property tax exemption of $50,000 in agric. trade or business. 664,231 51.5089% 625,314 1,289,545 0.86
Az. Prop. 100, Allow legislature to determine effective date of legislation. 520,450 40.8968% 752,145 1,272,595 1.00
Az. Propositions Number 1 issue in 1992, Ban on certain lethal or dangerous hunting devices. [no 38.02%] 1,435,699
Legislature Republicans Democrats Unopposed Reps. Unopposed Dems. Total Unopposed
Az. Senate 96 18 12 8 4 12 40.00%
Az. Senate 92 18 12 8 8 16 53.33%
0 0 0 -4 -4 -13.33%
Az. Rep. 96 38 22 24 7 31 51.67%
Az. Rep. 92 35 25 17 13 30 50.00%
3 -3 7 -6 1 1.67%

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Contact: Joshua Leinsdorf