North Carolina Total Vote Turnout '96-'92
Registered Voting
1996 4,330,657 2,618,326 60.4602%
1992 3,817,380
NC Pres. 1996 Dole (R) Clinton (D) Browne (Lib) Perot (Ref) Hagelin (NL) Registered 96 President 96 (No. 4)
1,225,938 1,107,849 8,740 0 168,059 2,771 0 2,513,357 (104,969)
48.7769% 44.0785% 0.3477% 0.0000% 6.6866% 0.1103% Ind. total 179,570
NC Pres. 1992 Bush (R) Clinton (D) Marrou (Lib) Fulani Perot Hagelin Warren President 92 (98,493)
1,134,661 1,114,042 5,171 59 357,864 41 12 2,611,850
43.4428% 42.6534% 0.1980% 0.0023% 13.7016% 0.0016% 0.0005% Ind. total 363,147
Difference 91,277 (6,193) 3,569 (59) (189,805) 2,730 (12)
NC Senate 1996 Helms (R) Gantt (D) Ubinger (L) Pardo (NL) Kopperud (W-I) Registered 96 Senate 96 (No. 2)
1,345,833 1,173,875 25,396 11,209 143 0 2,556,456
52.6445% 45.9181% 0.9934% 0.4385% 0.0056% 0.0000% Ind. total 36,748
NC Senate 1992 Faircloth (R) Sanford (D) Emory (Lib) Zakutney (NL) Kimball (SW) Senate 92 (21,435)
D to R 1,297,892 1,194,015 85,948 13 23 2,577,891
50.3470% 46.3175% 3.3340% 0.0005% 0.0009% Ind. total 85984
Difference 47,941 (20,140) (60,552) 11,196 120 0 0
NC Governor 96 Robin Hayes (R) Jim Hunt (D) Scott Yost (L) Van Witt (NL) Reid (W-I) Governor 96 (#1)
1,097,053 1,436,638 17,559 14,792 143 2,566,185
42.7503% 55.9834% 0.6842% 0.5764% 0.0056% Ind. Total 32,494
NC Governor 92 Gardner (R) Hunt (D) McLaughlin (L) Governor 92 (28,999)
1,121,955 1,368,246 104,983 2,595,184
43.2322% 52.7225% 4.0453% Ind. total 104,983
Difference (24,902) 68,392 (87,424)
NC Lt. Gov. 96 Arnold (R) Wicker (D) Dainotto (NL) Lt. Gov. 1996
1,094,531 1,339,893 23,948 2,458,372
44.0347% 49.3032% 0.9996% Ind. Total 190,942
NC Lt. Gov. 92 Pope (R) Wicker (D) Small (Lib) Lt. Gov. 1992 (49,220)
1,070,105 1,341,777 95,710 2,507,592
42.6746% 53.5086% 3.8168% Ind. total 95,710
Difference 12,432 (129,720) (71,136)
NC SoS 1996 Richard Petty(R) Marshall (D) Guignard (L) Richter (NL) SoS 1996
1,126,701 1,333,994 20,734 18,036 2,499,465
45.0777% 53.3712% 0.8295% 0.7216% Ind. Total 38,770
NC SoS 1992 Carrington (R) Eure (D) Parker (Lib) SoS 1992 3,449
1,174,162 1,251,670 70,184 2,496,016
47.0414% 50.1467% 2.8118% Ind. total 70,184
Difference (47,461) 82,324 (49,450)
NC AG 1996 Edmunds (R) Mike Easley (D) Att. Gen. 1996
1,007,027 1,453,196 2,460,223
40.9323% 59.0677% Ind. Total 0
NC AG 1992 Dean (R) Easley (D) Berry (L) Att. Gen. 1992 (18,397)
900,573 1,530,858 47,189 2,478,620
36.3336% 61.7625% 1.9038% Ind. total 47,189
Difference 106,454 (77,662) (47,189)
NC Co Labor 96 Walker (R) Payne (D) Seth Fehrs (L) Mary Cooke (NL) C o Labor 96
1,082,537 1,212,057 24,574 58,342 2,377,510
45.5324% 50.9801% 1.0336% 2.4539% Ind. Total 82,916
NC Co Labor 92 Dollar (R) Payne (D) Springer (L) C of Labor 92 9,053
1,011,778 1,290,031 66,648 2,368,457
42.7189% 54.4671% 2.8140% Ind. total 66648
Difference 70,759 (77,974) (42,074)
NC Treasurer 96 Ann Duncan (R) Boyles (D) Lewis Hunter (L) Peter Lyda (NL) Treasurer 96
1,144,749 1,219,594 31,492 13,251 2,409,086
47.5180% 50.6248% 1.3072% 0.5500% Ind. Total 44,743
NC Treasurer 92 Justus (R) Boyles (D) Holland (L) Treasurer 1992 3,740
1,111,903 1,228,318 65,125 2,405,346
46.2263% 51.0662% 2.7075% Ind. total 65,125
Difference 32,846 (8,724) (33,633)
NC Auditor 1996 Jack Daly (R) Campbell (D) Dorsey (L) Janowski (NL) Auditor 1996
1,129,050 1,184,665 40,835 18,643 2,373,193
47.5751% 49.9186% 1.7207% 0.7856% Ind. Total 59,478
NC Auditor 1992 Abernethy (R) Campbell (D) Auditor 1992 5,108
1,107,770 1,260,315 2,368,085
46.7791% 53.2209% Ind. total 0
Difference 21,280 (75,650) 40,835 18,643
NC Com. Agri.96 Davidson (R) Graham (D) Paczelt (L) Steer (NL) Agriculture 96
980,224 1,409,801 24,217 25,052 2,439,294
40.1847% 57.7955% 0.9928% 1.0270% Ind. Total 49,269
NC Com. Agri.92 Tew (R) Graham (D) McQuigg (L) Agriculture 92 18,373
899,774 1,463,744 57,403 2,420,921
37.1666% 60.4623% 2.3711% Ind. total 57,403
Difference 80,450 (53,943) (33,186)
NC Com. Ins. 96 Causey (R) Long (D) Sean Haugh (L) Wolfe (NL) Insurance 1996
1,010,782 1,388,894 26,258 21,939 2,447,873
41.2923% 56.7388% 1.0727% 0.8962% Ind. Total 48,197
NC Com. Ins. 92 Causey (R) Long (D) Day (L) Insurance 1992 22,041
1,026,448 1,333,273 66,111 2,425,832
42.3132% 54.9615% 2.7253% Ind. total 66,111
Difference -15666.00 55621.00 -39853.00
NC Pub. Inst.96 Robinson (R) Mike Ward (D) Chris Spruyt (L) Von Stade (NL) SupPubIns 1996
1,103,288 1,243,423 26,431 18,036 2,391,178
46.1399% 52.0004% 1.1054% 0.7543% Ind. Total 44,467
NC Pub. Inst.92 Little (R) Etheridge (D) Lyon (L) SupPubIns 1992 (25,233)
1,041,663 1,299,927 74,821 2,416,411
43.1079% 53.7958% 3.0964% Ind. total 74,821
Difference 61,625 (56,504) (48,390) 18,036
NC House 1-96 Ted Tyler (R) Eva M (D) Todd (L) Joseph (NL) Race Total
54,666 108,759 1,072 531 165,028
33.1253% 65.9034% 0.6496% 0.3218%
NC House 1-92 Tyler (R) Clayton (D) Williams (Lib) (43,690)
86,273 118,324 4,121 208,718
41.3347% 56.6908% 1.9744%
(31,607) (9,565) (3,049) 531
NC House 2-96 Funderburk (R) Etheridge (D) Jackson (L) Argy (NL) Race Total
R to D 98,951 113,820 2,892 966 216,629
45.6776% 52.5414% 1.3350% 0.4459%
NC House 2-92 Davis (R) Valentine (D) Lubahn (L) 5,060
93,893 113,693 3,983 211,569
44.3794% 53.7380% 1.8826%
5,058 127 (1,091)
NC House 3-96 Jones (R) Parrott (D) Downey (NL) Race Total
118,159 68,887 1,533 188,579
62.6576% 36.5295% 0.8129%
NC House 3-92 Pollard (R) Lancaster (D) Jackson (L) 1,529
80,759 101,739 4,552 187,050
43.1751% 54.3913% 2.4336%
37,400 (32,852) (3,019)
NC House 4-96 Heineman (R) Price (D) Walker (L) Wollman (NL) Race Total
R to D 126,466 157,194 4,132 1,201 288,993
43.7609% 54.3937% 1.4298% 0.4156%
NC House 4-92 Goudie (R) Price (D) Paczelt (L) 23,933
D to R 84 89,345 171,299 4,416 265,060
R to D 86 33.7075% 64.6265% 1.6660%
D to R 94 37,121 (14,105) (284) 1,201
NC House 5-96 Burr (R) Cashion (D) Howe (L) Craig Berg (NL) Race Total
130,177 74,320 4,193 1,008 209,698
62.0783% 35.4414% 1.9995% 0.4807%
NC House 5-92 Burr (R) Neal (D) Albrecht (L) Weathers (w-i) (13,985)
102,086 117,835 3,758 4 223,683
45.6387% 52.6795% 1.6801% 0.0018%
28,091 (43,515) 435 1,004
NC House 6-96 Coble (R) Costley (D) Goodson (L) Race Total
167,828 58,022 2,693 228,543
73.4339% 25.3878% 1.1783%
NC House 6-92 Coble (R) Hood (D) (1,479)
162,822 67,200 0 230,022
70.7854% 29.2146% 0.0000%
5,006 (9,178) 2,693
NC House 7-96 Bill Caster (R) McIntyre (D) Chris Nubel (L) Frantz (NL) Race Total
75,811 87,487 1,573 569 165,440
45.8239% 52.8814% 0.9508% 0.3439%
NC House 7-92 Anderson (R) Rose (D) Kelley (L) 2,339
66,536 92,414 4,151 163,101
40.7944% 56.6606% 2.5450%
9,275 (4,927) (2,578)
NC House 8-96 Blackwood (R) Hefner (D) Carlisle (NL) Race Total
81,676 103,129 2,103 186,908
43.6985% 55.1763% 1.1252%
NC House 8-92 Privette (R) Hefner (D) Drye (L) (8,543)
71,842 113,162 10,447 195,451
36.7570% 57.8979% 5.3451%
9,834 (10,033) (8,344)
NC House 9-96 Sue Myrick (R) Daisley (D) Knight (L) Austin (NL) Gay (W-I) Race Total
147,755 83,078 2,280 1,499 98 234,710
62.9522% 35.3960% 0.9714% 0.6387% 0.0418%
NC House 9-92 McMillan (R) Blake (D) Russell (w-i) 6,465
153,650 74,583 12 228,245
67.3180% 32.6767% 0.0053%
(5,895) 8,495 2,268 1,499 98
NC House 10-96 Ballenger (R) Ben Neill (D) Kahn (NL) Race Total
158,585 65,103 0 2,909 226,597
69.9855% 28.7307% 0.0000% 1.2838%
NC House 10-92 Ballenger (R) Neill (D) Brown (L) (8,530)
149,033 79,206 6,888 235,127
63.3840% 33.6865% 2.9295%
9,552 (14,103) (6,888)
NC House 11-96 Taylor (R) Ferguson (D) McCanless (L) Burrill (NL) Race Total
132,860 91,257 2,307 1,601 228,025
58.2655% 40.0206% 1.0117% 0.7021%
NC House 11-92 Taylor (R) Stevens (D) (10,136)
130,158 108,003 238,161
54.6513% 45.3487%
2,702 (16,746) 2,307 1,601
NC House 12-96 Martino (R) Mel Watt (D) Roger Kohn (L) Lewis (NL) Race Total
46,581 124,675 1,874 1,269 174,399
26.7094% 71.4884% 1.0745% 0.7276%
NC House 12-92 Washinton (R) Watt (D) Krumel (L) (6,425)
49,402 127,262 4,160 180,824
27.3205% 70.3789% 2.3006%
(2,821) (2,587) (2,286) 1,269
North Carolina Total
1996 1,339,515 1,135,731 26,652 11,553 98
1992 1,235,799 1,284,720 46,488 4 0 House 92 House 96 (No.3)
103,716 (148,989) (19,836) 11,549 98 2,567,011 2,513,549 (53,462)
NC House Republicans Democrats Unopposed Reps. Unopposed Dems. Total Unopposed
1996 6 6 0 0 0
1992 4 8 0 0 0
2 -2 0 0 0
NC Senate Republicans Democrats Unopposed Reps. Unopposed Dems. Total Unopposed
1996 20 30 4 6 10 20.0000%
1992 11 38 5 5 10 20.4082%
9 -8 -1 1 0 -0.4082%
NC House Republicans Democrats Unopposed Reps. Unopposed Dems. Total Unopposed
1996 62 61 24 27 51 41.4634%
1992 40 78 12 35 47 39.8305%
22 -17 12 -8 4 1.6329%
NC Amendments For Against Total vote Rank
NC Bond 1 School Bonds 1,624,022 72.2167% 624,797 2,248,819 0.2
NC Bond 2 Road Bonds 1,323,776 60.0277% 881,501 2,205,277 0.4
NC Amendment 3 Victims Ricghts Amendment 1,714,842 77.8184% 488,805 2,203,647 0.6
NC Amendment 1 Veto Power for Governor 1,652,294 75.2195% 544,335 2,196,629 0.8
NC Amendment 2 Alternative Punishment 1,889,620 86.1575% 303,596 2,193,216 1

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Contact: Joshua Leinsdorf