Auditors, Comptrollers, and Controllers - Vestiges of the Past

Twenty-three states elected Auditors, Comptrollers or Controllers. Nineteen of these states elected Treasurers, too. The Auditors, Comptrollers and Controllers are treated together, because they all perform the same function, but with a different name. They watch the money to make sure it is spent and accounted for properly. Fourteen states elected Auditors, 6 states elected Comptrollers and 3 states elected Controllers.

The voters cast 20,187,207 (53.4%) votes for the Democratic Auditor, Comptroller and Controller candidates, 16,353,629 (43.2%) for the Republican candidates, and 1,229,777 (3.3%) for the independent candidates. They elected 13 Democrats and 10 Republicans.

Of the 19 states that elected Treasurers in addition to Auditors, Comptrollers and Controllers, 7 chose them from different parties: Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota, South Dakota and Vermont; while the other 12 states chose them from the same party.

Looking at the order of the office, Auditors, Comptrollers and Controllers were not considered important. They received the 3rd highest number of votes in 3 states, and in one of these there were only 3 statewide candidates. They got the 4th highest number of votes in 4 states; the 5th highest in 3 states and the 6th highest in 3 states. One state in each of these categories had no more statewide offices. So, of the 13 Auditors, Comptrollers and Controllers who races received the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th highest number of votes, 4 were running last.

These offices ran 7th in 5 states, 8th in 4 and 9th in 1. That these financial offices of Treasurer, Auditor, Comptroller and Controller are not considered politically important is best illustrated by the fact that Minnesota voted in the 1998 election to abolish the elected Treasurer's position. (See Ballot Questions.)

As for the margins, 10 of the winners won with more than 60% of the vote, but this includes 3 candidates who ran with no major party opposition. Another 10 won with more than 50% of the vote, but less than 60%. And a final 3 won with less than 50% of the vote.

In short, the elected Treasurer, Auditor, Comptroller and Controller are vestiges of a more lawless past when public and private finance resembled the wild west far more than it does today. The only political function these offices serve is to provide stepping stones and training grounds for politicians who will later seek some of the more politically significant higher offices.

Ab. Auditor 98 Duncan (R) Parker (D) Write-in Auditor 1998
556,090 655,186 734 1,212,010
45.8816% 54.0578% 0.0606% 734
Ca. Cont. 1998 Barrales (R) Connell (D) Burgess (AI) Pescosolido (Lib) Weber (P&F) Jackson (Rfm) Controller 1998
2,652,115 4,874,097 108,795 147,343 68,697 100,644 7,951,691 (665,958)
33.3528% 61.2964% 1.3682% 1.8530% 0.8639% 1.2657% Ind. Total 425,479
Ct. Comp. 98 Scalzo (R) Wyman (D) Edelman (L) Comptroller
373,337 501,266 9,207 1,022,453 883,810 (138,643)
42.2418% 56.7165% 1.0417% Ind. total 9,207
Del. Auditor 98 Wagner (R) Kempski (D) Auditor 1998
101,207 73,475 174,682
57.9379% 42.0621% 0
Id. Cont. 1998 Ron Pollock (R) J. Williams (D) Controller 98
160,569 211,286 371,855 (14,865)
43.1805% 56.8195% Ind. total 1.46936793852786E-39
Ill. Comp. 98 Lauzen (R) Hynes (D) Sadler (Ref) Comptroller 98
1,280,860 1,895,273 56,219 3,232,352 (309,027)
39.6263% 58.6345% 1.7393% 56,219
Ind. Auditor 98 Connie Nass (R) Robert Hill (D) Findley (Lib) Auditor 98
792,584 680,226 38,619 1,511,429
52.4394% 45.0055% 2.5551% Ind. Total 38,619
Iowa Auditor 98 Johnson (R) No Democrat Young (Ref) Grafe (NL) Scattering Voting 1988 Auditor 1998
588,079 0 56,635 40,537 1,052 0 0 0 0 0 686,303
85.6880% 0.0000% 8.2522% 5.9066% 0.1533% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 1.46936793852786E-39 Ind. total 98,224
Md. Comp. 98 Epstein (R) Schaefer (D) Young (w-i) Kearns (w-i) Comptroller 98
565,291 924,053 791 65 1,490,200
37.9339% 62.0087% 0.0531% 0.0044% Ind. total 856
Ma. Auditor 98 Duffy (R) De Nucci (D) Howell (Lib) Others Auditor 98
531,363 1,154,829 102,198 608 1,788,998
29.7017% 64.5517% 5.7126% 0.0340% Ind. Total 102,806
Minn. Auditor98 Judi Dutcher (R) Larson (D) Peschek (PM) Bob Odden (Lib) Becker (MTP) Write-in Auditor 1998
968,132 812,892 33,507 40,228 116,624 1,940 1,973,323 (132,020)
49.0610% 41.1941% 1.6980% 2.0386% 5.9100% 0.0983% Ind. Total 190,359
Mo. Auditor 98 Pierce (R) McCaskill (D) Geier (Lib) Weber (Ref) Voting 1988 Auditor 1998
719,653 780,178 26,955 24,188 1,550,974
46.4001% 50.3025% 1.7379% 1.5595% Ind. total 51,143
Neb. Auditor 98 Witek (R) Kandra Hahn (D) Gus Lieske (Ref) Write-in Auditor 98
287,920 186,717 18,553 704 581,775 493,894 (87,881)
58.2959% 37.8051% 3.7565% 0.1425% Ind. total 19,257
Nv Contr. 98 Augustine (R) Sanada (D) Jim Lee (L) Jefferson (IA) None of These Voting 1998 Controller 98
194,017 173,101 14,537 12,868 21,544 440,042 394,523 (45,519)
46.6312% 41.6041% 3.4939% 3.0928% 5.1780% Ind. total 48,949
NMex. Auditor98 Haley (R) Martinez (D) Auditor 98
115,829 295,364 411,193
28.1690% 71.8310% 1.46936793852786E-39
NY Comptrol 98 Blakeman (R-C) McCall (D-L-I) Harknett (RTL) Dean (Mariju) Howie (Green) Goodman (Lib) Comptroller 98
1,423,086 2,862,903 70,397 39,423 15,133 10,310 4,421,252 (564,680)
32.1874% 64.7532% 1.5922% 0.8917% 0.3423% 0.2332% Ind. Total 135,263
Ohio Auditor 98 Petro (R) Strike (D) Auditor 98
1,939,454 1,167,447 3,106,901 (356,582)
62.4241% 37.5759% 1.46936793852786E-39
Ok. Auditor 98 Hart (R) Scott (D) Votin 1990 Auditor 98
335,305 513,065 0 848,370 848,370
39.5234% 60.4766% Ind. total 1.46936793852786E-39
SC Comp. 98 Courson (R) Lander (D) Write-in ComptrollerG98
511,587 517,126 431 1,098,484 1,029,144 (69,340)
49.7100% 50.2482% 0.0419% Ind. total 431
SD Auditor 98 Larson (R) No Democrat Auditor 1998
216,230 0 216,230
100.0000% 0.0000% Ind. total 1.46936793852786E-39
Tx. Comp. 98 Rylander (R) Paul Hobby (D) Monchak (L) Comptroller 98
1,821,231 1,801,008 53,536 0 3,675,775
49.5469% 48.9967% 1.4565% 0.0000% Ind. Total 53,536
Vt. Auditor 98 Dwinell (R) Flanagan (D) David Baker (L) Jackowski (LU) Saetta (VG) Write-in Auditor 1998
80,249 107,715 5,893 5,973 6,345 88 206,263 (14,728)
38.9062% 52.2222% 2.8570% 2.8958% 3.0762% 0.0427% Ind. total 18,299
Wy. Auditor 98 Maxfield (R) No Democrat Voting 1998 Auditor 98
139,441 0 178,401 139,441 (38,960)
100.0000% 0.0000% Ind. total 1.46936793852786E-39
Total 16,353,629 20,187,207 597,007 311,937 207,851 112,982 0 37,770,613
43.2972% 53.4469% Independents. 1,229,777

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Contact: Joshua Leinsdorf