Oregon Total Vote Turnout '96-'00
Voters Registered Voters
2004 2,141,249 1,851,671 86.4762%
2000 1,953,373 1,558,888 79.8049%
Change '04-'00 187,876 292,783 6.6713%
Or. Pres. 04 Bush (R) Kerry (Dem) Badnarik (Lib) Peroutka (Con) David Cobb (Gr)       Miscellaneous     President 04
866,831 943,163 7,260 5,257 5,315 0 0 0 8,956 0   1,836,782 (14,889) -0.8041%
47.1929% 51.3487% 0.3953% 0.2862% 0.2894% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.4876% 0.0000% Ind. total 26,788
Or. Pres. 00 Bush (R) Gore (D) Marrou (L) Buchanan (R) Hagelin Nader (G) Phillips (Cons)   Miscellaneous   President 00 302,814
713,577 720,342 7,447 7,063 2,574 77,357 2,189 0 3,419 0   1,533,968 (24,920) -1.5986%
46.5184% 46.9594% 0.4855% 0.4604% 0.1678% 5.0429% 0.1427% 0.0000% 0.2229% 0.0000% Ind. total 100,049
Difference 153,254 222,821 (187) (1,806) 0 (77,357) (2,189) 0 5,537 0
Or. Senate 96 Gordon Smith (R) Tom Bruggere (D) Paul Mohn (L) Hoyes (NL) Thompson (RF) Kutcher (P) Phelps (S) Miscellaneous   Voting 1988 Senate 96
677,336 624,370 12,697 4,425 20,381 14,193 5,426 1,402   0 1,360,230
49.7957% 45.9018% 0.9334% 0.3253% 1.4983% 1.0434% 0.3989% 0.1031% 0.0000% Ind. total 0
Or. Senate 04 Al King (Rep) Ron Wyden (D) Fitzgerald (L) Keane (P) Brownlow (Con) Miscellaneous Senate 04 (420,320)
565,254 1,128,728 29,582 43,053 12,397 1,536 1,780,550
31.7460% 63.3921% 1.6614% 2.4180% 0.6962% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0863% 0.0000% Ind. total 0
Difference 112,082 (504,358) (16,885) 0 7,984 14,193 5,426 (134) 0
Or. SoS 04 Betsy Close -R Bradbury (D) Morley (L)     Miscellaneous Sec. of St. 04
690,228 1,002,052 56,678 0 0 3,871 1,752,829
39.3779% 57.1677% 3.2335% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.2208% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% Ind. Total 0
Or. SoS 00 Snodgrass (R) Bradbury (D) Pole II (L) Lyons (NAP) Marbet (P) Miscellaneous   Sec. of St. 00 284,994
652,803 725,265 24,286 0 64,555 926 0 0 0 1,467,835
44.4739% 49.4105% 1.6545% 0.0000% 4.3980% 0.0631% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% Ind. total 0
  37,425 276,787 32,392 0 (64,555) 2,945 (0) (0) 0
Or. Treas. 04 Jeff Caton (Re) Edwards (D) Shults (L) Winegarden (Co)   Miscellaneous       Treasurer 04
688,551 889,974 52,819 49,875 0 2,284       1,683,503  
40.8999% 52.8644% 3.1374% 2.9626% 0.0000% 0.1357% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% Ind. total 0
Or. Treas. 00 Jon Kvistad (R) Edwards (D) Shults (L) Lucero (C) Zack (RF) Miscellaneous   Treasurer 00 279,896
593,411 705,273 54,091 19,707 29,329 1,796   1,403,607
42.2776% 50.2472% 3.8537% 1.4040% 2.0895% 0.1280% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% Ind. total 0
Difference 95,140 184,701 (1,272) 0 (29,329) 488 0 0 0
Or. AG 04 Connolly (Rep) Hardy Myers (D) Smith, Jr. (L) Richard Hake -C   Miscellaneous AG 04
690,056 935,621 64,581 15,740 0 2,000 1,705,998
40.4488% 54.8430% 3.7855% 0.9226% 0.0000% 0.1172% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% Ind. Total 0
Or. AG 00 Mannix (R) Hardy Myers (D) Cox (L) Miscellaneous     AG 00 269,517
662,880 715,602 56,611 1,388     1,436,481
46.1461% 49.8163% 3.9410% 0.0966% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% Ind. total 0
  27,176 220,019 7,970 0 0 2,000 0 0 0
Or. House 1-04 Goli Ameri (Re) David Wu (D)   Dean Wolf (Con) Miscellaneous Race Total
165,164 203,771 0 13,882 1,521 384,338
42.9736% 53.0187% 0.0000% 3.6119% 0.3957%
Or. House 1-00 Starr (R) David Wu (D) Beth King (L) Miscellaneous 80,817
115,303 176,902 10,858 458 303,521
37.9885% 58.2833% 3.5773% 0.1509%
49,861 26,869 (10,858) 13,424 0 0
Or. House 2-04 Greg Walden (R) John McColgan-D Jim Lindsay (L) Jack Brown (Co) Miscellaneous Race Total
248,461 88,914 4,792 4,060 638 346,865
71.6305% 25.6336% 1.3815% 1.1705% 0.1839%
Or. House 2-00 Greg Walden (R) Ponsford (D) Miscellaneous   47,958
215,967 82,220 720   298,907
72.2522% 27.5069% 0.2409% 0.0000%
32,494 6,694 4,072 4,060 0 0
Or. House 3-04 Tami Mars (Re) Blumenauer (D)   Winegarden (Co) Walt Brown (S) Miscellaneous Race Total
  82,045 245,559 0 7,119 10,678 1,159 346,560
23.6741% 70.8561% 0.0000% 2.0542% 3.0811%
Or. House 3-00 Pollock (R) Blumenauer (D) Knight (L) Tre Arrow (P) Brown (S) Miscellaneous 75,399
64,128 181,049 4,942 15,763 4,703 576 271,161  
23.6494% 66.7681% 1.8225% 5.8132% 1.7344% 0.2124%
17,917 64,510 (4,942) (8,644) 5,975 583
Or. House 4-04 Jim Feldkamp-R Defazio (D) Jacob Boone (L) Michael Marsh-C   Miscellaneous   Race Total
  140,882 228,611 3,190 1,799 0 427 0 374,909
37.5777% 60.9777% 0.8509% 0.4798% 0.0000% 0.1139%
Or. House 4-00 John Lindsey (R) DeFazio (D)   Deumler (S) Miscellaneous 83,844
88,950 197,998 0 0 3,696 421 291,065
30.5602% 68.0254% 0.0000% 0.0000% 1.2698% 0.1446%
51,932 30,613 3,190 1,799 (3,696) 6
Or. House 5-04 Jim Zupancic-R Hooley (D) Jerry Defoe (L) Joseph Bitz - C Miscellaneous Race Total
154,993 184,833 6,463 2,971 374 349,634
44.3301% 52.8647% 1.8485% 0.8497% 0.1070%
Or. House 5-00 Brian Boquist(R Hooley (D) Miscellaneous 74,286
  118,631 156,315 402 275,348
43.0840% 56.7700% 0.1460% 0.0000%
36,362 28,518 6,061 2,971 0 0
Total Oregon
2004 791,545 951,688 14,445 29,831 13,211 1,586 0 0
2000 602,979 794,484 16,922 16,221 8,399 997 0 0 House 00 House 04
188,566 157,204 (2,477) 13,610 4,812 589 0 0 1,440,002 1,802,306 362,304
1,440,002 1,802,306  
Oregon House Republicans Democrats Unopposed Reps. Unopposed Dems. Total Unopposed
2004 1 4 0 0 0 0
2000 1 4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Questions Yes No
Or. Measure #36 Marriage between man and woman only. 1,028,546 56.6348% 787,556 1,816,102 0.13
Or. Measure #33 Medical Marijuana, requires dispensaries; raises possession limit   761,015 42.6858% 1,021,814 1,782,829 0.25
Or. Measure #35 Limits non-economic damages in healthcare negligence or recklessness   869,054 49.2128% 896,857 1,765,911 0.38
Or. Measure #37 Government must pay owners when land use laws reduce property value   1,054,589 60.6201% 685,079 1,739,668 0.50
Or. Measure #34 Requires Balancing Timber Production, resource conservation in state forests. 659,467 38.3419% 1,060,496 1,719,963 0.63
Or. Measure #31 Permits election postponement when candidate dies   1,122,852 65.6119% 588,502 1,711,354 0.75  
Or. Measure #32 Deletes reference to Mobile Homes from taxes and fees on motor vehicles.   1,048,090 61.3038% 661,576 1,709,666 0.88
Or. Measure #38 Sell State Worker's Compensation Fund and dedicate proceeds to public purposes.   670,935 39.2668% 1,037,722 1,708,657 1.00
Oregon #1 issue in 2000, Expands Circumstances Requiring background Check Before Transfer of Firearms   921,926 61.7945% 569,996 1,491,922
Legislature Republicans Democrats Unopposed Reps. Unopposed Dems. Total Unopposed
Or. Senate 04 8 9 5 3 8 47.0588%
Or. Senate 00 10 5 1 4 5 33.3333%
-2 4 4 -1 3 13.7255%
Or. Reps. 04 32 28 6 9 15 25.0000%
Or. Reps. 00 33 27 5 10 15 25.0000%
-1 1 1 -1 0 0.0000%