Montana |
Total Vote |
Turnout '04-'00 |
Registered |
Voting |
2004 |
638,474 |
456,096 |
71.4353% |
2000 |
698,260 |
417,916 |
59.8511% |
(59,786) |
38,180 |
11.5843% |
Mont. Pres.
04 |
Bush |
Kerry (D) |
Badnarik (Lib) |
Peroutka (Con) |
Cobb (Gr) |
Nader (I) |
Robert Beattie |
Walter Brown |
John J. Kennedy |
Total vote |
President 04 |
266,063 |
173,710 |
1,733 |
1,764 |
906 |
6,168 |
3 |
2 |
6 |
450,355 |
(5,741) |
-1.2587% |
59.0785% |
38.5718% |
0.3848% |
0.3917% |
0.2012% |
1.3696% |
0.0007% |
0.0004% |
0.0013% |
Ind. total |
10,582 |
Mont. Pres. 00 |
Bush |
Gore (D) |
Browne (L) |
Buchanan (R) |
Hagelin (NL) |
Nader (G) |
Phillips (Con) |
President 00 #2 |
39,369 |
9.5792% |
240,178 |
137,126 |
1,718 |
5,697 |
675 |
24,437 |
1,155 |
410,986 |
(6,930) |
-1.6582% |
58.4395% |
33.3651% |
0.4180% |
1.3862% |
0.1642% |
5.9459% |
0.2810% |
Ind. total |
33,682 |
Difference |
25,885 |
36,584 |
15 |
(3,933) |
231 |
(18,269) |
(1,152) |
Mont. Sen. 96 |
Rehberg (R) |
Baucus (D) |
Becky Shaw (Ref) |
Heaton (NL) |
Senate 96 |
182,111 |
201,935 |
19,276 |
4,168 |
407,490 |
(48,606) |
44.6909% |
49.5558% |
4.7304% |
1.0228% |
Ind. total |
23,444 |
Number 1 in 1996 |
Mont. Sen. 00 |
Burns (R) |
Schweitzer (D) |
Gary Lee (Ref) |
Senate 00 (no.1) |
(4,111) |
208,082 |
194,430 |
9,089 |
411,601 |
50.5543% |
47.2375% |
2.2082% |
Ind. total |
9,089 |
Difference |
(25,971) |
7,505 |
10,187 |
Mont. Gov. 04 |
Bob Brown (Re) |
Schweitzer (D) |
Jones (Lib) |
Kelleher (Gr) |
Governor 04 |
205,313 |
225,016 |
7,424 |
8,393 |
446,146 |
(9,950) |
46.0192% |
50.4355% |
1.6640% |
1.8812% |
Ind. total |
15817 |
Mont. Gov. 00 |
Judy Martz (R) |
Mark O'Keefe (D) |
Stan Jones (L) |
Governor 00 |
35,954 |
209,135 |
193,131 |
7,926 |
0 |
410,192 |
50.9847% |
47.0831% |
1.9323% |
0.0000% |
Ind. total |
7926 |
Difference |
(3,822) |
31,885 |
(502) |
8,393 |
Mont. SoS
04 |
Brad Johnson -R |
Bill Kennedy -D |
SoS 2004 |
219,821 |
210,972 |
0 |
430,793 |
(25,303) |
51.0271% |
48.9729% |
0.0000% |
Ind. total |
0 |
Mont. SoS 00 |
Bob Brown (R) |
Hal Harper (D) |
Mike Fellows (L) |
J. R. Myers (R) |
SoS 2000 |
34,304 |
202,369 |
174,053 |
11,446 |
8,621 |
396,489 |
51.0403% |
43.8986% |
2.8868% |
2.1743% |
Ind. total |
20067 |
Difference |
17,452 |
36,919 |
(11,446) |
(8,621) |
Mont. AG 04 |
No Republican |
Mike McGrath |
AG 2004 |
0 |
344,548 |
344,548 |
(111,548) |
0.0000% |
100.0000% |
Ind. total |
0 |
Mont. AG 00 |
Jim Rice (R) |
McGrath (D) |
AG 2000 |
(53,477) |
186,299 |
211,726 |
398,025 |
46.8059% |
53.1941% |
Ind. total |
0 |
Difference |
(186,299) |
132,822 |
Mont. Aud. 04 |
Duane Grimes- R |
John Morrison-D |
Auditor 2004 |
188,308 |
238,417 |
0 |
426,725 |
(29,371) |
44.1287% |
55.8713% |
0.0000% |
Ind. total |
0 |
Mont. Aud. 00 |
Schmidt (R) |
Morrison (D) |
Scott (NL) |
Auditor 2000 |
35,533 |
174,854 |
196,287 |
20,051 |
391,192 |
44.6977% |
50.1766% |
5.1256% |
Ind. total |
20,051 |
Difference |
13,454 |
42,130 |
(20,051) |
SupPI. 04 |
Bob Anderson -R |
Linda McCulloch |
Sup.PubI 04 |
186,338 |
246,204 |
0 |
432,542 |
(23,554) |
43.0797% |
56.9203% |
0.0000% |
Ind. total |
0 |
Mont. SupPI. 00 |
Herman (R) |
McCulloch (D) |
Larry Foust (R) |
Sup. Pub I 00 |
40,580 |
162,069 |
206,941 |
22,952 |
391,962 |
41.3481% |
52.7962% |
5.8557% |
Ind. total |
22952 |
Difference |
24,269 |
39,263 |
(22,952) |
House1-04 |
Rehberg (R) |
Velazquez (D) |
Fellows (Lib) |
286,076 |
145,606 |
12,548 |
444,230 |
64.3982% |
32.7772% |
2.8247% |
Mont. House1-00 |
Rehberg (R) |
Nancy Keenan (D) |
Tikalsky (L) |
33709 |
211,418 |
189,971 |
9,132 |
410,521 |
51.4999% |
46.2756% |
2.2245% |
74,658 |
(44,365) |
3,416 |
Montana |
2004 |
286,076 |
145,606 |
12,548 |
0 |
2000 |
211,418 |
189,971 |
9,132 |
Mont. House 00 |
Mont. House 04 |
74,658 |
(44,365) |
3,416 |
0 |
410,521 |
444,230 |
33709 |
House |
Republicans |
Democrats |
Unopposed Reps. |
Unopposed Dems. |
Total Unopposed |
2004 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2000 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Questions |
For |
Against |
Mont. ConAm 48 |
Allow Medical Use of
Marijuana |
276,042 |
61.8068% |
170,579 |
446,621 |
0.14 |
Mont. ConAm 49 |
Increase Tobacco Taxes |
282,448 |
63.3186% |
163,626 |
446,074 |
0.29 |
Mont. ConI 96 |
Only Marriage Between A
Man and A Woman May Be Valid |
295,070 |
66.5572% |
148,263 |
443,333 |
0.43 |
Mont. ConAm 47 |
Allow Cyanide Leach
Processing at Open-Pit Gold and Silver Mines |
185,974 |
41.9565% |
257,280 |
443,254 |
0.57 |
Mont. ConAm
42 |
Extend Term Limits for
Legislators to 12 years |
136,931 |
31.3995% |
299,162 |
436,093 |
0.71 |
Mont. ConAm 40 |
Create A Noxious Weed
Management Trust Fund |
323,929 |
75.5053% |
105,086 |
429,015 |
0.86 |
Mont. ConAm 41 |
Recognize and Preserve
Heritage to Harvest Wild Fish and Game |
345,505 |
80.5955% |
83,185 |
428,690 |
1.00 |
Montana |
#1 issue in 2000,
Prohibit new game farms, shooting game for fee,
transfer of licenses. |
204,282 |
51.4097% |
193,079 |
397,361 |
Legislature |
Republicans |
Democrats |
Unopposed Reps. |
Unopposed Dems. |
Total Unopposed |
Mont. Senate 04 |
9 |
16 |
3 |
6 |
9 |
36.0000% |
Mont. Senate 00 |
16 |
10 |
7 |
3 |
10 |
38.4615% |
-7 |
6 |
-4 |
3 |
-1 |
-2.4615% |
Mont. House 04 |
49 |
51 |
9 |
14 |
23 |
23.0000% |
Mont. House 00 |
58 |
42 |
11 |
11 |
22 |
22.0000% |
-9 |
9 |
-2 |
3 |
1 |
1.0000% |