Illinois Turnout '96-'92
Registered Voting Turnout
2004 7,499,488 5,350,493 71.3448%
2000 7,129,026 4,932,192 69.1847%
370,462 418,301 2.1601% Total Vote
Ill. Pres. 04 Bush Kerry (Dem) Badnarik (Lib) Peroutka Camejo Nader  Cobb (G) Bone Virag, Kennedy, Christensen,Cook,Trowe, Breivogel President 04
2,345,946 2,891,550 32,442 440 115 3,571 241 4 14 5,274,323 (76,170) -1.4236%
44.4786% 54.8231% 0.6151% 0.0083% 0.0022% 0.0677% 0.0046% 0.0001% 0.0003% 36,813
Ill. Pres. 00 Bush Gore (D) Browne (L) Buchanan (I) Hagelin (Ref) Nader (G) Phillips (w-i)   McReynolds (w-i) President 00 532,215
2,019,421 2,589,026 11,623 16,106 2,127 103,759 42 0 4   4,742,108 (190,084) -3.8539%
42.5849% 54.5965% 0.2451% -8.4731% 0.0449% 2.1880% #DIV/0! 0.0000% 0.0001% Ind. total 133,661
Difference 326,525 302,524 20,819 (15,666) (2,012) (100,188) 199 4 10
Ill. Senate 96 Al Salvi (R) Durbin (D) Miller (Lib) Perry (Ref) Koppie (Tax) Davis (Nat) Dahl (W-I) Rudner (w-i) Senate 1996
1,728,824 2,384,028 41,218 61,023 17,563 13,838 4,222 6 4,250,722 4,250,722
40.6713% 56.0852% 0.9697% 1.4356% 0.4132% 0.3255% 0.0993% 0.0001% 137,870
Ill. Senate 04 Alan Keyes - R Barack Obama -D Jerry Kohn - L Franzen (I) Kuhnke Doody McArthur-Self Campbell Bill, Carlson, Hester, McDowell, Brumfield, Seida Senate 2004 (890,798)
1,390,690 3,597,456 69,253 81,164 2,268 339 134 129 87 5,141,520 209,328
27.0482% 69.9687% 1.3469% 1.5786% 0.0441% 0.0066% 0.0026% 0.0025% 0.0017% 153,287
Difference 338,134 (1,213,428) (28,035) (20,141) 15,295 13,499 4,088 (123) (87)
Ill. House 1-04 Wardingley (R) Rush (D)   Race Total
37,840 212,109 0 249,949
15.1391% 84.8609% 0.0000%
Ill. House 1-00 Wardingley (R) Rush (D) 53,763
23,915 172,271 196,186
12.1900% 87.8100%
13,925 39,838
Ill. House 2-04 No Republican Jackson,Jr. (D) Sailor (Lib)   Race Total
0 207,535 26,990 0 234,525
0.0000% 88.4916% 11.5084% 0.0000%
Ill. House 2-00 Gordon (R) Jackson, Jr. (D)   38,624
19,906 175,995 0 195,901
10.1613% 89.8387% 0.0000%
(19,906) 31,540 26,990
Ill. House 3-04 Chalda (Rep) Lipinski (D) Grimm  
57,845 167,034 5,077 0 229,956
25.1548% 72.6374% 2.2078% 0.0000%
Ill. House 3-00 Karl Groth (R) Lipinski (D)   37,453
47,005 145,498 192,503
24.4178% 75.5822%
10,840 21,536
Ill. House 4-04 Cisneros (Rep) Gutierrez (D) Witmer (Lib) Race Total
  15,536 104,761 4,845 125,142
12.4147% 83.7137% 3.8716%
Ill. House 4-00 No Republican Gutierrez (D) Sailor (L) 24,179
0 89,487 11,476 100,963  
0.0000% 88.6335% 11.3665%
15,536 15,274 (6,631)
Ill. House 5-04 Bruce Best - R Rahm Emanuel -D   Race Total
  49,530 158,400 0 207,930
23.8205% 76.1795% 0.0000%
Ill. House 5-00 No Republican Blagojevich (D) Beauchamp (L) 45,041
0 142,161 20,728 162,889
0.0000% 87.2748% 12.7252%
49,530 16,239 (20,728)
Ill. House 6-04 Hyde (R) Cegelis (Dem)   Race Total
139,627 110,470 0 250,097
55.8291% 44.1709% 0.0000%
Ill. House 6-00 Hyde (R) Christensen (D)   23,890
133,327 92,880 0 226,207
58.9403% 41.0597% 0.0000%
6,300 17,590 (0)
Ill. House 7-04 Davis-Fairman-R Davis (D)       Race Total
35,603 221,133 0 0 0 256,736
13.8676% 86.1324% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000%
Ill. House 7-00 Dallas (R) Danny Davis (D)     65,709
26,872 164,155 0 0 191,027
14.0671% 85.9329% 0.0000% 0.0000%
8,731 56,978 (0) (0)
Ill. House 8-04 Crane (R) Melissa Bean -D   Race Total
R to D 130,601 139,792 0 270,393
48.3004% 51.6996% 0.0000%
Ill. House 8-00 Crane (R) Lance Pressl (D)   37,698
141,918 90,777 0 232,695
60.9888% 39.0112% 0.0000%
(11,317) 49,015 (0)
  Race Total
Ill. House 9-04 Eckhardt (Rep) Schakowsky (D)  
56,135 175,282   231,417
24.2571% 75.7429%
Ill. House 9-00 Driscoll (R) Schakowsky (D)   39,071
45,344 147,002 0 192,346
23.5742% 76.4258% 0.0000%
10,791 28,280 (0)
Ill. House10-04 Mark Kirk (Rep) Lee Goodman (D)   Race Total
177,493 99,218 0 276,711
64.1438% 35.8562% 0.0000%
Ill. House10-00 Steven Kirk (R) Lauren Gash (D) 39,205
121,582 115,924 237,506
51.1911% 48.8089%
55,911 (16,706) 0
Ill. House11-04 Weller (R) Tari Renner -D       Race Total
173,057 121,903       294,960
58.6713% 41.3287%  
Ill. House11-00 Weller (R) Stevenson (D) 60,091
132,384 102,485 234,869
56.3650% 43.6350%
40,673 19,418
Ill. House12-04 Zweigart (Rep) Costello (D) Steele (Lib) Patricia Beard Race Total
82,677 198,962 4,794 4 286,437
28.8639% 69.4610% 1.6737% 0.0014%
Ill. House12-00 No Republican Costello (D) Ray Sigler (w-i) Gary Wallace (w-i) 103,180
0 183,208 47 2 183,257
0.0000% 99.9733% 0.0256% 0.0011%
82,677 15,754 4,747 2
Ill. House13-04 Judy Biggert (R) Anderson (D) Mastrogiovanni Race Total
200,472 107,836 4 308,312
65.0224% 34.9763% 0.0013%
Ill. House13-00 Judy Biggert (R) Mason (D)   16,294
193,250 98,768 0 292,018
66.1774% 33.8226% 0.0000%
7,222 9,068 4
Ill. House14-04 Hastert (R) Ruben Zamora -D   Race Total
191,618 87,590   279,208
68.6291% 31.3709%  
Ill. House14-00 Hastert (R) Deljonson (D) Rosengarten (w)   24,299
188,597 66,309 3   254,909
73.9860% 26.0128% 0.0012%  
3,021 21,281 (3)
Ill. House15-04 Tim Johnson - R David Gill - D       Race Total
178,114 113,625       291,739
61.0525% 38.9475%      
Ill. House15-00 Johnson (R) Kellehre (D)   55,117
125,943 110,679 0 236,622
53.2254% 46.7746% 0.0000%  
52,171 2,946 (0)  
Ill. House16-04 Manzullo (R) John Kutsch (D) Tom Carlson
204,350 91,452 4 295,806
69.0824% 30.9162% 0.0014%
Ill. House16-00 Manzullo (R) Hendrickson (D) Hippie (w) 28,801
178,174 88,781 50 267,005
66.7306% 33.2507% 0.0187%
26,176 2,671 (46)
Ill. House17-04 Andrea Zinga -R Lane Evans (D)  
111,680 172,320 0 284,000
39.3239% 60.6761% 0.0000%
Ill. House17-00 Mark Baker (R) Lane Evans (D) 42,653
  108,853 132,494 241,347
45.1023% 54.8977%
2,827 39,826
Ill. House18-04 Ray LaHood (R) Waterworth (D)
216,047 91,548 307,595
70.2375% 29.7625%
Ill. House18-00 Ray LaHood (R) Joyce Harant (D)   48,572
173,706 85,317 0 259,023
67.0620% 32.9380% 0.0000%
42,341 6,231 (0)
Ill. House19-04 Shimkus (R) Tim Bagwell (D)  
D to R 213,451 94,303 0 307,754
69.3577% 30.6423% 0.0000%
Ill. House20-00 Shimkus (R) Cooper (D) 51,979
161,393 94,382 255,775
63.0996% 36.9004%
52,058 (79)
Illinois Total
1,730,498 2,317,102 41,714 4 0 House 04
541,178 358,171 0 0 0 0 4,988,667
Total Ill. 04 2,271,676 2,675,273 41,714 4 0 0  
1,378,217 1,986,380 32,304 2 0
443,952 312,193 0 0 0 0
Total Ill. 00 1,822,169 2,298,573 32,304 2 0 0 House 00 835,619
  449,507 376,700 9,410 2 0        
Illinois Republicans Democrats Unopposed Reps Unopposed Dems Total Unopposed
House 2004 9 10 0 1 1 5.26%
House 2000 10 10 0 3 3 15.00%
-1 0 0 -2 -2 -9.74%
Legislature Republicans Democrats Unopposed Reps Unopposed Dems Total Unopposed
Ill. Senate 04 10 13 6 6 12 52.17%
Ill. Senate 00 11 10 5 5 10 47.62%
-1 3 1 1 2 4.55%
Republicans Democrats Unopposed Reps Unopposed Dems Total Unopposed
Ill. House 04 55 63 30 34 64 54.24%
Ill. House 00 56 62 24 37 61 51.69%
-1 1 6 -3 3 2.54%
No Questions in 2000 or 2004 Yes No