NC Com.
Ins. 00 |
Causey (R) |
Long (D) |
Insurance 2000 |
(364,793) |
1,222,527 |
1,590,139 |
0 |
2,812,666 |
43.4651% |
56.5349% |
0.0000% |
Ind. total |
0 |
ND C. of Ins.00 |
Jim Poolman (R) |
Gorman King (D) |
Ins. Comm 2000 |
(12,317) |
144,982 |
127,223 |
0 |
272,205 |
272,205 |
53.2621% |
46.7379% |
0.0000% |
Wa. Ins. 00 |
Davidson (R) |
Kreidler (D) |
Hihn (L) |
Insurance 00 |
(97,332) |
933,568 |
1,174,039 |
92,185 |
2,199,792 |
42.4389% |
53.3705% |
4.1906% |
92,185 |
2,301,077 |
2,891,401 |
92,185 |
5,284,663 |
43.5425% |
54.7131% |
1.7444% |
NC Com. Agri.00 |
Troxler (R) |
Meg Phipps (D) |
Agriculture 00 |
(365,181) |
1,386,311 |
1,418,164 |
0 |
2,804,475 |
49.4321% |
50.5679% |
0.0000% |
Ind. total |
0 |
W.Va. Agri. 00 |
No Republican |
Douglass (D) |
Agriculture 00 |
71,986 |
0 |
485,648 |
485,648 |
0.0000% |
100.0000% |
Ind. total |
0 |
1,386,311 |
1,903,812 |
3,290,123 |
42.1355% |
57.8645% |
NC Co Labor 00 |
Cherie Berry (R) |
Doug Berger (D) |
C of Labor 00 |
(374,072) |
1,379,417 |
1,372,165 |
0 |
2,751,582 |
50.1318% |
49.8682% |
0.0000% |
Ind. total |
1.4694E-39 |
ND Tax Comm. 00 |
Clayburgh (R) |
Steve Tomac (D) |
Tax Comm. 2000 |
(15,748) |
169,710 |
104,551 |
274,261 |
274,261 |
61.8790% |
38.1210% |
Ok. CorpCom 00 |
Anthony (R) |
Bigby (D) |
Bloxham (L) |
Corp. Comm. 00 |
(83,291) |
771,609 |
380,108 |
21,568 |
1,173,285 |
65.7648% |
32.3969% |
1.8383% |
Wa. Pub. Lnd.00 |
Sutherland (R) |
Mike Lowry (D) |
Layman (L) |
Public Lands 00 |
(225,686) |
1,154,048 |
1,052,366 |
125,985 |
0 |
2,332,399 |
49.4790% |
45.1195% |
5.4015% |
0.0000% |
125,985 |
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