Hawaii Total Vote Turnout '96-'92
Voters Registered Voters
1996 544,916 370,230 67.9426%
1992 464,663 382,882 82.3999%
Change 96-92 80,253 (12,652) -14.4574%
Ha. Pres. 96 Dole Clinton Browne (Lib) Phillips (Tax) Perot Nader Hagelin (NL) Voting 1996 President 96
113,943 205,012 2,493 358 27,358 10,386 570 370,230 360,120 (10,110)
31.6403% 56.9288% 0.6923% 0.0994% 7.5969% 2.8840% 0.1583% Ind. total 41,165
Ha. Pres. 92 Bush Clinton Marrou Fulani Perot Gritz Hagelin President 92 (12,724)
136,824 179,310 1,119 720 53,003 1,452 416 372,844
36.6974% 48.0925% 0.3001% 0.1931% 14.2159% 0.3894% 0.1116% Ind. total 56,710
Difference (22,881) 25,702 1,374 (362) (25,645) 8,934 154
Haw. Senate 88 Hustace (R) Matsunaga (D) Schoolland (L) Senate 88
66987.00 247941.00 8948.00 323876
0.21 0.77 0.03 Ind. Total 8948
Haw. Senate 92 Reed (R) Inouye (D) Rowland (L) Martin (G) Senate 92
97,928 208,266 7,547 49,921 363,662
26.9283% 57.2691% 2.0753% 13.7273% Ind. Total 57468
Difference -30941.00 39675.00 1401.00 -49921.00
Haw. House 1-96 Swindle (R) Abercrombie (D) Duering (N) Bedworth (NL) 191456
80,053 86,732 4,126 1,295 172,206
46.4868% 50.3653% 2.3960% 0.7520%
Haw. House 1-92 Sutton (R) Abercrombie (D) Johnson (L) (18,971)
43,586 139,489 8,102 191,177
22.7988% 72.9633% 4.2380%
(43,586) (139,488) (8,102)
Haw. House 2-96 Tom Pico (R) Mink (D) Keefe (L) Toulon (NL) Race Total
55,729 109,178 4,769 3,564 173,240
32.1687% 63.0212% 2.7528% 2.0573% 0.0000%
Haw. House 2-92 Price (R) Mink (D) Mallan (L) (7,715)
40,070 131,454 9,431 180,955
22.1436% 72.6446% 5.2118%
15,659 (22,276) (4,662)
Total Hawaii House 1996 House 1992
Total 1996 135,782 195,910 8,895 4,859 0 345,446 372,132 (26,686)
Total 1992 83,656 270,943 17,533 0 0
52,126 (75,033) (8,638) 4,859 0
Hawaii House Republicans Democrats Uopposed Reps. Unopposed Dems. Total Unopposed
1996 0 2 0 0 0 0
1992 0 2 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Amendments Yes No
Ha. Amend. #1 Authorize Revenue Bonds for Hurricane Relief Fund. 234,436 71.7645% 92,238 326,674 0.25
Ha. Amend. #2 May state take more than 3 years to spend special funds on school construction. 83,882 25.7393% 242,009 325,891 0.50
Ha. Amend. #4 Constitutional Convention 160,153 49.4266% 163,869 324,022 0.75
Ha. Amend. #3 Allow lapsing of unencumbered general obligation bonds for fed aid purposes. 164,132 57.1584% 123,021 287,153 1.00
Hawaii No. 1 issue in 1992, Reserve Oath of office for designated officials. 170,192 71.0664% 69,291 239,483
Legislature Republicans Democrats Unopposed Reps. Unopposed Dems. Total Unopposed
Ha. Senate 96 2 10 0 1 1 8.3333%
Ha. Senate 92 2 11 0 2 2 15.3846%
0 -1 0 -1 -1 -7.0513%
Ha. Rep. 96 12 39 0 12 12 23.5294%
Ha. Rep. 92 4 47 0 18 18 35.2941%
8 -8 0 -6 -6 -11.7647%

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Contact: Joshua Leinsdorf